
CCICC scans started on a whim in the middle of the night while Novalight was completely off his rocker and dragged Kohaku and Oyasumi into the crazy world of scanlating. Our first series is “Baka to Testuo to Shoukanjuu”, a manga based on the popular light novel of the same name. Look forward to new releases in the

Current Staff:
Oyasumi-Typesetter/Editor/angry dude
Kohaku-Japanese Translator/Neko lover
Novalight-QC/Uploads/runs the blog/RAWs/some random guy

2 Responses to “About”

  1. Bakaman Says:

    I can proofread for Shoukanjuu. I can also do englisj-spanish translation

  2. Mitsuru-kun Says:


    I rate your scans a F+ 😛

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